The solution of ideal critical thinking is as follows:
System outputs Y_1 which defines how to fulfill your desires. It cannot fulfill all desires as it also has to count the desires of others at the same time within Y_2. Y_1 minimum desires must be met first, such as health and well being, before it starts compromising some of the individual desires to the global desires of the world.
So what does this mean? What is system X? System X is whatever we think how the world works. For instance, the rules you live within a society is system X. What happens is we want to have our perceptions and beliefs to the hands of the government (they will have control of system X). Well, if we do this, then the government will try to fulfill only the global desires, not the individual desires. Well, why so? Do you think the government has the ability to know the special situations of each individual? Unfortunately, a government is not a psychic entity that can tell the needs of each individual and prepare ahead for those situations. I mean they try their best, but do not expect to fulfill all the individual needs of the individual. And because how the system of the government works, many counter that system with their critical thinking, but not in the same way as how the government follows. No, they will not try to fulfill the ideal critical thinking, because that, in some sense, will mimic the government system. Secondly and most importantly, will it lead to no post effects in our way we deal our life when we do not have any participation in critical thinking? Yeah, it will have adverse effects. We will have no freedom anymore to fulfill our own individual desires. Instead, we will leave the government or other authorities tell what is the best for us, an entity that does not know our own situation.
If we look again at the diagram, individual desires and global desires overlap to each other. Individual desires in some sense are compromised by the global desires depending on how more important are to fulfill. For instance, let us say you have a health software that saves peoples' lives. What would have been more important: Make another 100 thousand of dollars by spending your time advertising and commissions of your product or just make 500 dollars and contribute to an improved software that saves more peoples' lives? You can counter that the revenue is more important in order to keep people saving lives, but that is very well known that is not true. The software already saves peoples' lives. If the company goes bankrupt out of loss of revenue, do you think the software will not be of service anymore? It will still be of service one way or another because it is saving peoples' lives. On the other hand though, what I am saying is simply an exaggeration, but can be a solution depending how critical and important it is to society. The software itself should be realistic. It should try to fulfill itself as much as it can, but also fulfill the goals of society as well. A company should not go bankrupt and should keep a stable revenue, but what most important after that is the achievements it contributes to society and not to itself. Expansions and more revenues and possibilities are not so important as its innovations that really helped society in some way. There are many innovative products that provided solutions to society that made their life better these years. However, are we giving the solutions to society that are the most priority for them? And do you think the peoples' voice, the voice that emit and echoes in our whole world, is that the voice of the people itself in their inner of their personal needs, when they do not have much critical thinking and follow what others tell them to? With the products and services we give to society, did the results of people made their life more happier? Do they have any complains, difficulties, or challenges in their life? Why there is so much study in the behavioral sciences and psychology of people? Are we still challenged with the turn of events in life? But most importantly, the products and technology we receive compliment in some way to our life, correct? But do these products or technology services aid us to our own individualism? No. They can be used as a tool to guide your individualism, but they do not teach you how to grow your individualism. If we only depend on receiving content, buying content and aiding on creating content not within our critical thinking or our own understanding, we will not feel integral to this part of society. That is why each individual should start to use critical thinking to do at least a partial part of what it wants. At this moment, the individual is controlled and limited on what to buy, receive, create. The people who use critical thinking take advantage of that and make these people live with their minimum requirements as possible. They feel it is better to have more control of the world because these people have arguably no critical thinking (and I agree on that aspect). However, do you think the best solution is to control them instead of teaching them to have critical thinking and to help find their real needs? At the other hand, the individual should also find what other individuals in general lack or need not based on what they express (especially with our present world where the voices of people are full of void and no meaning), but what do you think is best for their situation (and not for your situation).
I am not done with this ideal critical thinking system yet. You see I have placed "X" on system and "Y_2" for global desire? Y_2 is not only "one solution", it can be "many solutions". Also if you know mathematical formulas, Y is dependent on X and X changes. Yes, I am saying this correctly. You cannot attach yourself to a theory or system for long. Government and big organizations use this system, but only for the global needs. There are a lot of similarities with the ideal critical thinking. One is that the rules changes every few months or years. If you look at the history of each government, rules change and change again. Why?
Once rules come out to a government, it is not predictable if it will fulfill all the needs of each individual. That is because what we believe in our imagination may be different of what we really expect out to be. And that will happen in most cases. This process is recursive. However, will the government ever fulfill the personal needs of each individual? No, and I do not believe no matter how optimistic a government that wants to fulfill all the rules, it will not only not help all the needs of the individual, but will limit the individual critical thinking to the maximum of its own possibility, making a mass that will be self-destructive without being able to know how to control their life when the government cannot fulfill their needs anymore. In other words, the government system is a great system, but it can be destructive depending who holds that system. If the government only holds it and not the ability for people to hold it, then you can see its consequences. In truth respect, only the individual can hold this system, because only them, can distinct what is the personal and global needs they can fulfill within this society. The government should just do the minimum. That is why communist society have great ideals, but will never be effective the way they handle it while most capitalism systems are not really capitalism systems, and if they are, "the people are not ready to provide the right ideal critical thinking" (that is why we do not see many societies that are absolute capitalism, because the capitalism at this moment is interpreted in ways that is not the most ideal).
But let us see again the chart, lemme show you it again, and see it in a different perspective
Time is X and Y is the system. So over time, the Y is formulated. Does time influence us? Well, yes, it does. Because at each time interval, we have different facts and experiences of our world. And within those experiences and known facts, we make different conclusions how the world works. If we lived in the 15th century and the 21st century, our perceptions of how the world works through each of those centuries would be different. In addition, like I said as before, when we implement something through our imagination or our ideals of how the system works, the results can be different from what we expect. Thus, the system should always be changing.
Okay, so let us move to the next critical thinking. We will call this critical thinking as "successful critical thinking". It is the critical thinking you learn in many self help books or other people have advised you to follow. Yes, all what society have taught you is no worse than those cult religions. Why would they have given these solutions? I do not know, maybe they lost hope that the world would change, so the only choice is to follow survival instincts. This critical thinking is how people think is the most ideal (in other words, they have never found my ideal critical thinking or is not so popular or widespread to be well known). I always felt this critical thinking to be catastrophic for the whole of society. Many people do not follow this critical thinking cause it ensues a lot of problems, especially ethical ones. Have you done an economic major ,financial major, or any other type of major that has a lot of relation to making money. Why the hell do they have courses, such as ethics? Do you think people will be unethical? It seems like in order to be successful through this critical thinking, there is no other choice other than to be unethical. This is what society is and many futurists expect how society reaction will be in the future based on the present situation. This does not have to be true. If people change their critical thinking out of this one, we will never have to meet any of the issues of such in the future. I want all people who look and see life to take the picture of life upside down. To not look as what it is as what it is, to think out of the box and see society through other ways other than what it is now and how its forecasts show to be. Unfortunately, we are more glued this to this every day, based on making decisions,choices, and facts of what we see from the decisions of the past people did. That will only reinforce a society based on how they are and not on what they can become if they had completely different perceptions of the world as they do now. Is it more worthwhile to predict how the people will go or how we can change the course of these people to a different better direction? I feel we will not still have a complete picture or full comprehension of how life works just by looking at only the side how people work with their set of perceptions. There should be new tools and models of thinking to extrapolate the perception set people do not have right now.
So as you can see in the diagram above, this system is the other way around (also called "successful critical thinking"). The desires control what the rules should be. Have you read those self help books? Can you imagine what catastrophic messages they give you? They tell you to imagine a thing, such as a picture, and put it in your mind very well thoroughly every day. And no matter what the rest of system casualties will cause that desire, just follow it. Many people freeze here. There are a lot of unethical issues that people freeze and cannot progress. Only the people that are daring, they have the survival instinct, and understand that they have to compromise other individuals, will go venture in that path, and hopefully make a lot of fortune and help the people "within their group". In order for the rest of their next generation to survive, this "jungle" people consider as, they teach this critical thinking. If they do not follow this critical thinking, then they may be not be anymore "member of this group", because they think this is the only critical thinking. Other type of critical thinking is not the best or is not considered critical thinking. And without critical thinking, the fortune of that money will disappear from the control of others, the ones that will take advantage to the non-critical thinking people, which I mentioned before. In some sense, you cannot go with the opposition of this society that follows this type of critical thinking. Many are already been used and are taken advantage, so why not use others anyways? The thing is not more of what others do, but do we want to be an example of it, to continue this on going process? Most people will prefer to be idle than to follow this critical thinking. That is why there are very few people who follow this type of critical thinking. Those seminars that teach on self development of the individual to have more freedom of their life is real bullshit. It follows the above path mentioned and the techniques they use are to fulfill the visualization of the desire to control everything. In some aspects, this can be helpful to achieve a goal in life. However, to place it as your general perspective of life, it is purely evil. So spending your money on self help books or courses of such nature are a waste of money unless you can go over to commit hard ethical decisions that you will have to get over and do often (you have to be very confident and think you are very right).
Desires are also influenced by time, but in a different way. Desires are usually done in a milestone. You may start saying I want to make $10,000, so you set a specific strategy to achieve that. If you want to make $100,000 as your next goal, you will have to change your strategy to be more aggressive of your personal desires at the sacrifice of the global desires. The main difference here is the desires control how our understanding of our world is instead of trying to understand life and being self fulfilling for yourself and to others. Remember when I said, "Do you want to make a product that makes $x money" or "Do you want to make a product that you will be happy to do for you and for the rest of the society as long you make a basic living out of it?" Besides making your life integrate more with yourself and others, the reason I said that is there will be less conflict in fulfilling the desires of all individuals.
As you see, there are 2 individuals that follow the ideal critical thinking. If both individuals follow it, then their system will have global desire Y_2, which incorporates Y_1 of their own individual desire, but as well the Y_1 of the other individual desire. This will create an environment of a nature that is more cooperative of fulfilling the needs of others instead of being competitive to only the personal needs of the individual. Instead, the successful critical thinking usually only fulfills the individual desires. Our own self, it is programmed, based on survival instinct, to
only concentrate our own self, so when we look within our desires, we
will only see our own individual desires. We are selfish in nature and
many psychologists have already noted that. However, if we look and
detach ourselves from our desire and look through making an
understanding of our whole world, we can place the appropriate desire amount we should fulfill for ourselves and the other amount for the rest of the world which we will have to speculate.
If we use the successful critical thinking, as we see in the diagram above, there will always be conflict and people will never agree with each other. There will be a lot of competition. That is seen in a lot in countries where nations have engraved capitalism the most. The individual desire of each individual will create a system that does not count the needs of other individuals. This is most of the system we are living today. So who wins when there is such competition? The desire that agrees with most mainstream. The one that makes the most money. The one that becomes more successful at it. The one that dares to do more tough decisions than the one that is not too daring to do.
I do not want to discuss much as this is just a brief overview of all of the types of critical thinking (and I think I talked too much). Let us go to the last critical thinking which is: the people that have no critical thinking. Most of the majority of people are like that.
People start with a desire. They usually do not have a system in their head. Critical thinking is the one that creates an understanding of how the world works. Without having a system of their own, they follow the government or other authority to give them the rules on how they can achieve their desires. The government is a very dirty tricky system. It makes the individual peoples' lives for the first 20 years to fulfill their desires with no effort. This is to create loyalty to the government. I understand there is a time where an individual develops their own mind within the first 20 years. However, I do not think the steps they have done are the perfect transition for an individual to work for the adult life. I am pretty sure they never intended to make that transition to make perfect anyways. They want for the young individuals to have loyalty to this system. If you experience your first 20 years , your whole time your brain develops and sets some things that are hard to change later on, to a government that treats you like a princess, do you think it will be easy to counter the authority system and create your own system? On the other hand, some have grasped this system in effect, and implemented the successful critical thinking. In countries, such as United States, where its capitalism society makes the government to have little or no power, people have more freedom to embrace their own critical thinking and people to work from the start they become 12, make contracts, and even drive a car from the age of 15 (as long parent consents to takes liability on all the misconducts of the minor). However, the type of critical thinking we have created is the one we are accustomed too much. We still start our critical thinking from our personal desires instead from the other way around. Instead of looking money as the ultimate goal for the individual, an individual should do what is more self worth for his life to the point of making some sacrifices (just have a basic life, you do not need much luxuries, ideals, beliefs, fame, or status).
Another thing to mention is that these type of people are the most susceptible. They will follow what the authority says. They will tell them how to handle their desires. In a system like this that we live for, when we hear opposing voices of people around us, it is not the voices of them, but what the authorities told them to how things work, as they only care for their desires (which are nurtured by the authority. It is their mom, it is their idolatry) and not how the world works.