Okay, so this is part 2 of the separation of personal and non personal. In order to understand this part, I recommend to read the first part.
The split of the personal and the non personal, as discusses in part 1, is evident. The argument of this "effect" is whether this is an enhancement or a progress to society or whether it downplays us. I think most of the controversy is how you see the direction flow of this effect (in a good way or a bad way?). In the terms of defending the effect of this split being "good", there is little argument that we should eliminate the personal part of ourselves. That is too far fetched and I think even those who defend this split as being "good" will tell you that most of our personal needs exists as an individual and the solution is to place them in their own separate cubicle. On the other hand of the spectrum, defending the effect of the split being "bad", we will never get across the point where have to eliminate or reduce the progress of science and technology that has incorporated in our life (Right now, in the objective realm, science theorizes and analyzes while technology applies the theories and optimizes them. Probably, if you want to work in any of those fields, you should know what their focus is which many miss to tell you). In a matter of fact, I cannot deny that we reached a step farther with technology in our progress of our civilization. However, certainly, at a specific cost, which many people are in denial.
Let me tell you one thing that will always be truth and will remain true to any source of time through life. Of all type of truths, there are two type of truths: the limited and the eternal. Limited truths are truths that exist due to influence , society standards and norms, trends, and whatever novelty the individual is enticed at. A generation or two later, those truths will get old, replaced, and be incorporated with other type of truths that will exist temporary due to its novelty, influence, and the new society standards and norms. This has repeated to history endlessly. What works you have done, no matter how much importance they have been viewed or speculated to you by society, it is just an illusion that will fade over time, as the next generation will take over the old ideas and replace over with new ones. There will be a paradox to that individual living itself, as all the anticipated expectations of all his work and lifetime through his past time, which represents the individual itself, contradict for what he sees and does now. Probably we all follow that trap and we are blind of that vision to ever happen to us. I have seen it myself. People who have worked in dozen of organizations, having high occupation status, having credible status, yet ignoring the personal base foundations of stuff ended to limit the individual itself. Is in some sense limited truth bad? Actually, it is not. It adds novelty. It is a type of brain storming that can derive a cycle of new products. With limited truth, we have an iteration process of improving stuff over and over if we are on the right direction. What I discussed right now is one part of the limited truth so far. There are two parts of limited truth: the one that directs to the eternal truth, and the one that does not direct to the eternal truth. The one I discussed right now is the limited truth that has no direction. And now I am going to discuss my next topic: How those truths work in the realms of the personal and non-personal.
Limited truths for the personal and non-personal work in different ways in our current society.
Limited truths for the non-personal right now has a direction of the eternal truth these days. It is organized, it has a direction, it strives for perfection, it tries to see its fallacies and improve upon them with incremental iterations. It is, after all, a perfect system, always wanting to learn, always wanting to improve itself. Of all times of the non-personal, if history had to make a mark of all the great things society have created, this is the time, it surpasses of all the inventions created in the past million of years. We have found a way and we are able to do it with peace in our mind, or so we think.
Limited truths for the personal work in a different way right now. To put it simply, there is no direction. After so much experimentation with fail results through history creating a system that can make the personal transcend itself into a new form of stage (in such a way science and technology does these days), it has failed after so many attempts. Add to the matter of the fact that it is personal, the task is of more of a delicate task than just twisting and rubbing a piece of external object to find new findings. Society, as a whole, in the past of million of years, have dealt the personal in several ways. They created a lot of practices of how one self should be. Actually, its focus was so much on the personal those days, that it was our very innate nature of our origin as human beings. We were focused more on relationships and doing things, such as hunting animals, creating connections on people who we will trust or engage in war with them, and so on. Today, life is less personal, and if you have read a lot of sociology books, urbanization allowed us the possibility to be able to create a life without the necessity of having any relationships. What about doing things? There is no need. You do not need to hunt any animals any more or the complicated due process of harvesting crops. All you need is to walk, have some money in your hand, and buy anything you want that is in front of your face. A lot of these skills that are more of a less necessity have become weaker to the innate abilities of the individual. It is evident why people cannot make easy relationships or have the act of doing big things in life, as it is not a skill to survive in this society. The skills these days that are more important are to organize, plan, and accumulate facts. All of these help us create better forms of institutions.In addition, it is a thing that at one point an individual could no able to incorporate those skills alone without due process of an educational system. However, now that the internet was born, and has become so much rich of information, that it has become so viral to the world, that it is nicely organized with links, and you can accumulate more facts than you would in education, that it is planned more better for you due to the demands of the skills for the workforce... Do I need to say more? It will eventually become a replacement. School will not be so important as what you have done on the internet. However, what grave mistake that will be as the plans of the market is to dismiss the personal stuff, such as history, philosophy, and literature that provide sources that guide to an eternal truth.
We explained the reason why limited truths reached for the personal to be that way and how our focus was to pay less attention to the personal. The method of handling the personal without an organizational structure is to look at it through a cause and effect by patching up the problem when it comes. Is it effective? It is definitely effective than doing nothing at all. We set rules to the personal individual though in order to conform better the works of science and technology while being able to survive comfortably in this society. However, do we strive to create different formulas for how the personal self works. Well , we have subjects like Psychology that studies those stuff. But tell me, what is the world governed by? It definitely works by the economy and the stock market? And what is the booming markets or the pillars of support for our foundation of all countries to be "stable"? Technology backed up by the hands of science. But what about Psychology? Oh, there is a market that studies psychology, but its focus is more on how to organize, plan, and accumulate facts better instead of understanding the sources behind of actions and relationships. Many people do actions without understanding the implications behind it due to setting absolute truths of what they have organized, planned, and known. Relationships, or public relations, are only instruments for a different end means. All in all, things have swapped in society. Is it good? Well, I always wanted them to be in balance and integrated, not swapped entirely, which comes me to the next point.
Lets see the sources of truth in the personal world. Let us see the work of arts done in the past and the present. In the past, there was classical music, paintings that had different forms of expression, arts that are still eternal, that even after a thousand or hundred of years that have passed, it shows a mark of expressing our own individuality in some way. What about the present? Let us say I am a young teenager and I am new to buying music soundtracks. What will I buy? Some song that existed 5 years ago or some song that existed 10 years ago. Some video game that existed 5 years ago or some video game that existed 10 years ago? The motivation of me buying a thing is the level of novelty it will bring me and how much more personal it is than sharing some form of eternal truth like classical music and old forms of art express. Why would I do that? Because I am a human, we all crave for personal things, and given that it is being suppressed for so long, I want to fill content that adds some "experience" to me. Entertainment is booming these days now with how the world becomes more non-personal, and they want it more and more to be that way, so they can get more audience sink to their teeth in it. One of the things we have to doubt is whether these market forces are good or not instead of letting things go along with the flow. As with other issues, such as increase in population and limited resources, the market forces miss a lot of information, a gap that eventually once discovered, will alter the formula.
For all things, I do not blame the world as it is, it is a really beautiful world. However, the low priority of how things are set on the personal is the same as how history in the past ignored things and made society be a less better place. Is, in some sense, a world feeling too superior of what it really is by being too absorbed to limited truth, not letting them be independent and let them evolve to the direction of the eternal truth, such as science and technology these days.
Why am I talking about these stuff, you may say? Why do I focus too much of the personal and the non personal instead of science and technology. That is because science and technology as is has surpassed so far and there is more supply and demand than you can even imagine. What there is right now is a huge demand for the personal to be better. You always hear people are depressed, go to psychologists, or deal life in detrimental ways out of irrationality, especially in developed nations. There is a huge opportunity in that market, but there are a lot of rivals out there that will not want to allow that as they are too absorbed with their limited truth. Hence, according to Thomas Kuhn, new revolutions must exist that will replace the old and create new realms of world.
Another thing I want to point out is: What is more of value in life? The social status you will get from society and its acceptance for its current generation on how it take things? Or expressing an eternal truth that all society will demise you of? A lot of great philosophers and great people became famous not in their lifetime, but after they became dead. And who knows, maybe some of the dead people did not got recognized, but time proved them that they were right from what they have currently seen.
In conclusion, I support that the separation of the personal and non personal is a limited truth and the eternal truth is to integrate them, or else, the individual will be in a constant conflict.