Pain of admitting reality is just relational (All mental modes): One of the biggest pain or hurdle every person needs to admit is to realize of what they think or what they see is not what it actually is. This could be added within the set of pain withing Mental Networks (which will be discussed later), but I guess it needs its own category, because this is more like Mental Networks where they will always be in the denial stage due to the universe and current society make it easy for us to not be able to see the difference. In other words, there is nothing of concrete input to tell us otherwise that what we do or see is in the wrong direction.
Just think about it. We live in some type of thought that we experience every day. We talk with people that are physical similar to us and science have conclusively found out that on the surface, from our skin, to under the surface, the DNA, are almost identical. Put these two things together. Every day, I do an action that corresponds to the way I think and do, so me becomes those actions after all, the way I do is the way I am. Further more, I interact with people that I see which they are almost identical like me, both out and under the surface, so they have the same possibilities to do what I can do too. That is how most people think how the human body works. To put it in an engineered way, most people live their life based on concrete foundations (Server and Mercy mode). With every action they do (Server Mode), the process of how their mind works (their Visibility) becomes the absolute truth for everything in the scope of themselves (Mercy mode creates a snapshot of it and converts it into a Mental Network) (that is correct so far). When they see another person, which he learned and can deduct from physical input that they are the same as he is, then he collects that person to be the same as me (input of Mercy mode), having the same possibilities as me (same Visibility, which is wrong). Now, I only talked about it in terms of Visibility.
How about gender? There is so much conflict these days trying to make men and women equal these days. Thankfully, it has become more reasonable these days that each have its own different qualities. These also explains a lot why marriage should be done with men and women due their different emphasis modes of thought. If that sounds ironically open minded, it is: People taking women as being the same as men so there should be same sex marriage (<= this is open minded). People taking women and men being different (<= this is open minded) and there should be the traditional heterosexual marriage. Then again, should we decide what is right based on desires or what is universal theoretical right as how we apply science today (we cannot do "anything" we want to a "Formula 1" car if it violates the laws of physics)? Then again, the truth we care is the reason behind those mechanisms, mechanisms that we are not convinced yet on how they work, but can see patterns out of it.
How about abstract worlds? Like I said, this world is too focused on Mercy and Server mode. However, what many people refer to, the useless stuff or just supportive stuff we learn at school (Theories backed up by Observation - Teacher and Perceiver mode), have long time ago closed their tolls of explorations on them cause the mind has been absorbed too much on the Empirical data of the world (nonetheless, Empirical data is the world we are governed and start up as input). So the Mercy mode sees this world every day and concludes that no abstraction of their imagination can come as a figment within this world. Well, that is obvious. It is common sense this world is governed by the "Universal laws". However, the mind has gone to the point to just believe that there is only this and only this universe itself, when it is very obvious that with our imagination, we can fabricate many universes. How imagination works? Does it works on the same premises of the Universal Law? In fact, it is actually so free to do whatever it wants from the universal laws of the universe. What does it mean? In conclusion, the Mercy me created so many snapshots of their input from the world we live today that it will distort the rest of the mental modes that life is no other than the 99% input that has collected so far, which is the physical world and the premises we live in. Should we rely and believe only on our Mercy input? Should we believe only on what we see?
So what do I mean relational? In the same premises as Einstein where he referred time as a concept that can only be conceptualized by the observer only, so in the same sense, visibility, gender, reality is just a conceptualization of the observer and can be different to another observer (this means with the hypothesis that there can be observers on another universe). In such context, mechanics of the brain are not standardized and are of variation, in the same way as the concept of time. Now we know speed is a component that can alter the perception of time. But for our case, what are the instances that create those factors?
How does this pain feel? Well, how does a pain feel when you are not aware of the problem? It feels like something is missing and something does not make sense and you do not know what it is. You try and try to make speculations, but you still are never close to find what the issue of this is. It is a pain of confusion. Many can fall depression onto this and be on the denial stage for eternity as there is no visibility to see other possibilities of the reason behind the culprit.
Pain of the physical senses (Mercy Mode): Probably this is one that can be told at great length of story and easy to talk in detail, yet it is a very delicate story, as it is one where you have not too much control out of it except being pro active out of it. Pain of the physical senses is probably the most easy mechanic to explain and understand. Illnesses, injuries, terminal illnesses, and so on can complicate the individual. So much has been known for pain for so many years on how it behaves and manipulates the individual to not work on its well being, that pain killers may be the most popular over the counter medicine people take, whether it is a headache or to the extremes of an injury within a car accident.
I am going to describe this as little as possible, because it is easy to understand. Pain is intensified by the Mercy mode. It is probably one of he core mental networks of survival. Exhorter will exaggerate the pain. Perceiver and Teacher mode will theorize if things will go worse or better in my body. It is no wonder that all components of the body will work together as it they are in an "Emergency mode". When there is a pain and it is known that is of no danger, it can always preoccupy the focus of the Mercy mode on that pain and not let other modes to focus at their best capacity. For that reason, pain killers are used often for individuals to do their tasks better at hand.
As much as easy it is to understand, it is very underestimated these days how things that make us more dysfunctional can make us concentrate less or become more depressed. As in one of my articles, which I discussed about Parkinson Disease, the effects of paralysis come very much after when depression becomes a chronic condition. So people may not have the symptoms of Parkinson Disease, but they may have chronic depression which can be the very preliminary stages of Parkinson Disease.
In conclusion, this pain is very much underestimated these days, due to having a sense and feel of security that hospitals and doctors can solve all cures, which that is not the case. It is very complicated and sometimes they do not do the best sound option of strategical planned practices to treat their patients real issues. Also, when people are absorbed, focused, pushed too much on work and factor things only based on work performance, it is easy to see how health can be ignored. As much as what happens these days, it is evident that all should take blame for underestimating a very important physical component of life.
Pain of Mental Networks (Mercy and Teacher Mode): I have not discussed too much about Mental networks, but this article by Lorin Friesen, who invented this term, explains it very accurately. What happens is that hyper pain is something that an individual cannot tolerate and will prefer to have short term pain for long term life instead of an acute pain that hits really the nails of the heart. And when I mean it really hits the nails of the heart, I really seriously mean hitting the nails of the heart. In some sense, it means to transform yourself into a different human being that you were from the past. To be a completely different person.
A good example to see how pain works within mental networks is by looking at the 5 stages of grief. However, that model is too general, as mental networks have more variations than just going through depression. Mental networks do not express only when you lose someone. In that sense, the 5 stages of grief is more valuable due that its scope can be expanded to habits, mental disorders, and why people expect consistency (when it should not always be the case). Anyways, I want to explore this just for experimentation. After all, if the mental network theory is very accurate, it can show patterns on every other theory that has been constructed based on its own independent observations. The 5 stages of grief are:
1. Denial: I tried to think how a mental network will be in denial, as a mental network complete nature is to get consistent data. It hates inconsistencies, to say the least. So when an an inconsistent event happens, the mental network will try to avoid it and try to find a consistent one. For example, let us take the example of working on a job that you don't like. You figured out, for instance, that the job is not meant for you and that ultimately, your happiness is to do some other role or some other task. However, you worked for this company for years, and you expect to get consistent data. All the work you have done there every day, all the people who you have talked there every day, they are not going to be consistent anymore when you change into a different working environment. Although it was not your favorite role within that job, all the memories you still cherish from your previous work is something that no one will care on the new place you are going to work. So how can the mind be in a consistent state? Pretty easy, won't you say? Forget about me getting a new environment to work. I still need to get the consistent data the mental network wants me to do. I still need to work in this working environment, even if its painful, because it is more painful to be away from the consistent data I get every day. Another example is abusive relationships. It is in the same context. People cannot get away from the snapshots they have lived with their partner.
2. Anger: Anger never comes unless you get inconsistent data often. It is then that the mental network really gets upset as you are not feeding it the correct input. We can also entertain the idea of compulsive obsessed disorder, where mental networks are so strong to gain the same input more than the one that makes common sense. Whether a compulsive obsessed action is a disorder or not, it is hard to tell, as many people create mental networks that do not make sense due to insecurities and other stuff. And how can we define the lines of what makes common sense? Unlike the stages of grief that discusses the flow as being "one way" only, things in reality is that they can revert back to denial. Anger and all the other forms we will see later on are a defense mechanism of my self to revert back to denial. Anger can be so strong, that the individual will be overwhelmed, and be back to the state of denial. A good example is relationships. Now anger has a two toll thing. Anger can come out of a real abusive relationship. However, anger can be a normal temporary exaggeration or a need that is not fed to our society correctly often due to our world being objectionable. That type of anger can come very easy out of a Mercy person and we should not take wrong generalizations that the relationship is abusive or not. In any ways, talking about what is really abusive these days, it is in the wrong context, as the categorical imperative overestimates too much on the concrete world, albeit that it should, given that we are governed by the universal principles laws of this world, but not too much. In any case, as I was saying. In an abusive relationship, you can see there are a lot of forms of anger. That is because the individual really wants to escape this relationship. However, how many times do these things revert to how they were before? It seems that type of anger does not come out of a current argument between the paired relationship, but instead where the individual is fighting his own self to escape that cycle of relationship by explicitly violating the needs of his mental networks. His mental networks ensue the anger to go back to the original self he was before. In some sense, the individual is trying to distant from the thing that triggers the mental network (Distance is the best medicine to kill mental networks). However, anger ensues. That anger can just make the individual to come back to his partner. But still, given that the mental networks are in hunger for keeping that relationship going, they will still be in a current state of anger without the other partner or anyone else understand where it comes from. After more time is spent with the partner, the anger changes back to the state of denial.
3. Bargaining: It seems that at some point, mental networks know that they have lost their game. Yet, they are still a living thing. So in that essence, when a person is lying down at its toll of his death, having a gun pointed at him over his shoulder, what else can a person do other than to plead for anything for the sake of his life. So what type of bargaining are we talking about? Extreme bargaining, after all, it is a living thing. We of all people give second chances to others. We tell others if you do this or that, then you can still work for us. Or if you do not do this again, we will be all right. How many times you have heard of this before? The reason bargaining is done is due to the value of the mental networks. For instance, a person who worked on a job for 15 years. It is kind of impossible for him to say that I am going to work on a start up company while I am married and have children and start my knowledge from scratch even if I am not so sharp as I used to before. So in that sense, bargaining is ensued. Have you heard about big companies that are too big to fail? The same premises go in here. It is where big corporations want to protect their mental networks instead of doing what the ultimate good is. Again, some respect should be entitled to those who collected so much stuff. It is a process we all share. To condemn them is to condemn ourselves when we reach in our old age and nobody cares about our own contributions we did. In any case, mental networks will do anything they can to still be alive. They tried anger before as an emotional pressure. Anger works very easy on them when there are not a lot of facts backed up. Anger is an emotion. And like I said in the article the interplay of emotion and confidence that emotion takes control when there are not a lot of Perceiver and Server mode actions. Confidence takes control when there is enough Perceiver and Server mode actions. When there are a lot of samples that show the opposite (statistics, low marginal error), anger will not work anymore, confidence will take control of it, and it will start the stage of Bargaining. Here is like making a judgment call on whether this mental network is of value or not. The mechanism of Bargaining is so complicated, in a sense, that the mental network will be back to denial, it will still be its old self, and the same patterns of mistake will happen again. That is what happens when opportunities are betrayed. It seems that for some mental networks, it may be easy to adjust, but for some other mental networks, their foundations that are too embedded, that they will not let them go, that they will only ask for a patch up, does not make sense. What is the point of having a bad mental network?
4. Depression Probably, this is kind of confusing. That is why I do not like the 5 stages of grief, cause the 5 stages of grief really discuss the different states a mental network goes through and they can go either spiral up or down, but once they are to the bottom, they will never go up. Depression can come due to many other causes, like in one of my presentations, which I discussed where expectations do not match with real results (Exhorter mode did not focus on all the details?) or when visualizations become a dream but not a reality (no push from Exhorter mode?). In any case, there are so many types of depressions that may have nothing directly to do with killing mental networks (usually, that is not the original motive). And not all mental networks change because it is the right thing to do (a thing which I want to clear up in the end). So in any case, from Stage 1-4, this is not depression but hyper pain. It is a pain that it is more abstract instead of physical. In any case, lets see what happens here. Here is the ultimate mode of pain, the hyper pain. Its when the mental network dies itself. Its like a part of you dies. How does a mental network feels when it dies? It depends on your Consciousness. The people who can see that more clearly is Teacher and Mercy people depending of what type of input it is (abstract or concrete). How an organization works is more like an abstract mental network while the relationship with people is a concrete mental network. In any case, given how mental networks are so powerful, every person is able to be aware of it by a glimpse of it, but the ones who will have the hardest time to escape from them are obviously the Teacher and Mercy people as the mental networks live inside the processor.
5. Acceptance Well, a mental network is just a mental network, once it dies, its all over, and it is probably the best blessing human can have. The point is the human lived for the past with a pain in order to avoid a hyper pain. On stage 4, he tried to deal with hyper pain. On stage 5, not only he got away from hyper pain, but he also removed the normal pain we had before. If a person tries to do stage 1-5 for all mental networks that create pain for himself, then that accumulates, and you become more better than what you were before mentally.
I do not play video games as often as I used to. But this game called Solace (, which you can download it for free, expresses it in a very artistic form the 5 stages of grief. It is a wonderful work of art and it has a hidden meaning that you have to understand it "out of the box". If you do not play it until the end, it means you are reverting back to the stage 1 of denial, but if you play it until the end, you destroy bad mental networks. The end mostly discusses how it feels like when you destroy most of the bad mental networks.
Lane Friesen has gone into more detail that mental networks have more dynamics. There are ones that live in Teacher mode and others that live in Mercy Mode. Making a frame of reference of how all the dynamics work is not enough by only looking at the 5 stages of grief. In addition, sometimes we change mental networks due to environment. We may destroy good mental networks and create bad mental networks and so on.
But for here, we discuss the scope of pain that mental networks do only. And is it a good path to go? Yes, if its reasonable that the foundations of those mental networks are completely wrong and they have to be replaced with more correct ones. However, it is more complicated than what it seems. Manipulating mental networks can be done to remove bad habits or to replace with ones that will make you have less control of your life and your own freedom. It is a very interesting thing how mental networks is the source of all things and how it can twist life in both good and bad ways.
Lastly, I wanted to see how we actually were able to find the 5 stages of grief. It is pretty elementary why it was easy to find. The 5 stages of grief happen only when you lose someone. Once you lose someone in real life, you will always get inconsistent data no matter what. They do not exist anymore. Distance from the mental network has been created and you have no physical access to be close to it anymore. Since distance is the best medicine to kill a mental network, as that is the way to get constant inconsistent input, it is evident that in this case scenario, all people will go to the 5 stages of grief from stage 1 to stage 5 without going too much spiral up. It will be usually a one way road. It happens very often when you lose someone. And the pattern is very easy to conceptualize as there are not a lot of dynamics with the mental network as there is no way to get consistent data any more. For that reason, the 5 stages of grief was easy to be created as a theory. However, for some people, such as Mercy and Teacher people, memories are harder to clear out than other individuals, and especially for Mercy people, they can resonate easily with some Mercy experience in this world that relates to it. In other words, mental networks for Mercy people can haunt them for life.
Pain of Understanding (Teacher mode): There is the pain of understanding. Definitely, Teacher gets reactionary the same way as Mercy gets reactionary when it gets physical pain. It can create the same disturbance as physical pain does. Actually, many people complain that those two pains are almost the same (but that depends on the consciousness you live). However, the pain of understanding is more easy to overcome than the pain of physical pain. We do not have universal rules on how we should understand things. We are free of thought to understand anything we want. In contrast, if I have a physical wound in my body, "these" are usually the steps for it to heal, there are no alternatives. To understand, you have all the tools to able to understand a thing as long you have all the information in front of you. Because Teacher mode is an abstract world, a world that lives beyond the physical universal laws, it will not hurt us, it is a theory after all. People who are conscious in Teacher mode though will find it the opposite. It hurts if they do not have a complete understanding of how things work.
Also, there is a focus on a specific type of understanding. For instance, in the software development world, there is a need for understanding how a business operates. On the other hand, if the business needs are too complicated, there is a need for understanding how to create an efficient software architecture abstraction out of it. As you can see, there is a focus of people with different type of understandings they want to construct. See for instance Amazon. Amazon has tried to create the biggest architecture for their business needs. However, in order for their architecture of business needs to fit in, they had to invest and create their own software architecture abstraction out of it and maybe even their own hardware infrastructure that compliments with their software architecture. In the end, they wanted to sell that business operation as Amazon Web Services. It is quite interesting, but it is true. Not a lot of corporations dare to do two things into one like Amazon does. It is usually one corporation that focuses on creating better platforms for users (i.e. Microsoft) and a small business only focusing on the business architecture instead of the software architecture, unless it is a software house that provides business services. In any case, you can see that those two types of understanding share the same Teacher mode. However, constructing software architectures are more based on Perceiver facts and stacking up the Legos to build up a house. Constructing business architecture requires to touch Mercy experiences, as it involves a process from Mercy to Perceiver to Teacher mode. Perceiver facts are not structured yet as we gain raw emotional information out of users. Mentally, it is more harder due to having a lot of more chain of events under the process. You can really look from the attitudes of others whether they categorize you to focus on constructing business or software architectures. Like I said, dynamics are hard to understand, but if you conceptualize some of them, you can make a lot of speculations by the actions of others. As in Business Law, there is no need to hear the words of others to understand the motivation of each individual.
In conclusion, the pain of understanding is the same as the physical pain. There is always a step to solve the pain, sometimes it is a mystery, like the diseases we have as human beings. However, most of the pain we are talking about is about a thing "we" already constructed instead "biology" constructing it out for us. In that essence, pain of understanding how software works is not so hard as much as the pain of understanding the motive and behavior of people.
The pain I have discussed so far are the primary types of pain. This pain comes out from the main processors. These type of pain can really be an obstacle for ideal critical thinking. It is an obstacle but it is also a natural process. But that is just again, a tip of the iceberg. We did not discussed too much on the details. For instance, what happens to individuals where their pain is out due to not being at their full capacity (A contributor only working on server mode)?