Okay, so from now on, I will have some short summaries of abstractions about a topic, which is very hard to understand, but the material has been covered from previous essays discussed within this blog (hopefully). In this topic, I will talk about Visualization and Consequence.
Visualizations are a very important power we individuals possess. Visualization is the process of implementing something out of a system of understanding (Teacher=>Server). It is the last set of action an individual does to transform his or her own self or the entire world.
Without visualizations, we are controlled by the environment. With visualizations, we can control the environment. It is the main source of whether we will be able to control or others control us what our identity is. Since me is part of the world, then me is the reflection of what the world is supposed to be.
Think in terms of a person that is obese and his obesity is due and only due to his diet on those circumstances and no other factor (genetics). In that case, in order for a person to lose weight, he has to set a visualization, a system of understanding, and follow it. The system of understanding is how many calories he has to eat, what types of food will help him to fill his appetite more, and many other myriad rules. The implementation is following the system of understanding as closely as possible. However, that task is not that easy. There are other mercy experiences that can influence the individual, existing habits can take over, and the list goes on. The successful outcome of implementing the system of understanding is a visualization instead of just a dream. In order for the outcome to be successful, you have to handle ahead of time all those distractions that can take you over that final goal. Hence, we can have terminologies, such as improving visualization or conceptualizing a visualization (the starting stage of making a dream a reality), and so on.
However, having a visualization that is in small scope (like losing weight) is easily achievable and when it is done, you have the end of visualization. Visualization is a switch that allows a person to have control of his own life, so once ended, you are thrown back to the switch where the world controls you.
In such cases, visualizations should be eternal and never-ending in order for the individual to have self control of his life. A visualization that is never ending that way will derive a lot of sub-visualizations that fit in the current situation and that meets the needs of the eternal visualization.
There are two eternal visualizations: The cosmic foundation (Mercy mode) and the abstract foundation (Teacher Mode). The cosmic foundation goal is for making the individual to expand physical resources, ignoring the externalizations imposed. It has to deal with the concrete world directly. It is where the Mercy goals takes control over the Teacher Mode. The abstract foundation goal is expanding principles at the cost of less prioritization of choices related to physical resources.
We live in a cosmic world, not in an abstract world, yet we are driven by abstractions. However, lets not consider all forms of abstract foundations to be the right ones, when they are not eternal (i.e. a technological innovation has a form of abstraction, but it has its start and its end, unless it is used as a derived product later on).
Abstract foundation will never work in a world that is composed of mercy experiences and things. The world is awarded and condemned by the output of mercy experiences. Only organizations that work for non-profit or governments that are subsidized are the ones main driven by abstract foundations. Usually, these organizations are donated by rich people when they encounter a mercy event or experience that relates to them and set it as a mission of accomplishment. This is due to an individualized event and not through a real theoretical framework where all people contribute to that cause regardless if they were or not affected to it. Another thing is that abstract foundations do not have tangible results in this world. The outcomes in fact can be startling, to be opposite, as in a form of negative mercy experiences, but they are irrelevant, as they are not of abstract experiences.
Now, many will confuse when I said "abstract foundations do not have tangible results". They do when they are applied concretely, they are irrelevant and disregarded when abstractions are applied within abstractions. A visualization always starts with abstractions, there is no argument to that. There are two ways this can go: for the source of some concrete output or for the source of some abstraction. Ergo, an abstraction cannot be simplified in a form that will ever be concrete, it will always be an abstraction. It is very hard to visualize and see the mechanics when it is not visible with mercy experiences. If there is no mercy component associated within an abstraction, I cannot feel fear from it, I cannot sense pain or discomfort from it, I cannot sense it within the abilities of my body. Hence, there is no clear direction.
I propose for that reason for people to visualize based on mercy experiences first only to see how the mechanics take into place (to understand the system or to see how common sense first works) and do the best thing you can do with the least externalizations possible. Ideally, it may sound harmful, but it is the only environment to experiment in this world as we live within mercy experiences and I think we always passively participate to it anyways. Then, there is an iteration path on how to make little changes for improvement so people start to have a mindset to think within abstractions of abstractions. More actions will be done that way. More communities will be interested. More private companies will be backed by it and economies of philosophies will be emerged by that. Although this is unrealistic and will obviously never happen, such mindset is of essence. Basically what I say first is to read the situation of the environment and also to your own self too (do you really know how things work?) and unless you have the perfect opportunity, you have to be driven by the community (help them on their needs) and in exchange you will also have the space to show your own visualizations too. You will have to work and be effective with the current mechanics by the use of the base mechanics and then you can build up your confidence to build the bases mechanics to align to your current direction. What matters is the plan and the motive (the set of planned actions with high level of confidence of success are more deterministic or greater of value of your identity than on an individualized action).