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The legend of a Data Science Team

A team of Data Science was born
All of great journeys ahead
Embraced with great challenges
Bound with big hopes

One that never looks back
One that can look ahead
One that follows best practices
One that can bridge the gaps

Great tools were made
Great features were deployed
But none did see the day
Where best practices were not followed

Things were not integral
Something was missing
Something went wrong
How could you embrace it?

Vision was blurry
One of them noticed
All he could do is observe
And leave one day

The rest took follow
One on new ventures
One on helping customers
One on fixing the source

Great Infrastructures were build
With effective transportation
Information flourished
But most did not care

All ventures have failed
As no one follows best practices
Vision was starting to break
And it was time one to leave to a better place

The rest took follow
It was now or never
One to present the impact of great practices
One to present the true source of understanding

The speed of productivity was meticulous
But the vision's heart was already broken
No one could see it
No one was the same as they were before

Things have changed and they are not the same
It is a new life to move on
One presented all the dreams to his departed team
It was time for him to go on a fresh journey

Before as a team
Now all alone to themselves
What a great team it would have been
If they all worked together on the same goal

But it is never too late
To lose hope
As long as you can remember
The traces of each team's dream behind