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More details & translated original Greek referendum bail out speech
I have followed Greece for a lot of years since 2008 on its bailout program. Now 2015, 8 years have passed, and the economy is still worse than its aftermath of 2008 economic depression. However, the problem is that through those 8 years is that while there was some effort to deregulate those organization, there was not enough innovative growth where the people had the opportunity to gain ownership of those experiences and have traits where they can self-manage themselves. Furthermore, through those 8 years, it was kind of unrealistic to deregulate one of the most hierarchical government organization in the world, a public organization that represented more than an idol, as it massed one of the biggest labor forces. The European Union failed to care for the people and followed on the tasks and milestones that were unrealistic not knowing the behemoth task of how much tax corruption and how much power the public sector had influence on the whole economy. In result, the unemployment skyrocketed from 8% to over 25%. If you account that 25% is the average unemployment rate, then assume its skewed to 30%+ if you account young graduates or of female gender. For that reason, you can imagine how much less innovation and diversity the labor force is in Greece. The taxes increased from 19% to 23%, the purchasing power decreased, big corporations, many talented, financially well individuals left the country and liquidated their assets, and the list goes on. For those reasons alone, the political power changed hands to a socialism regime. The goal of unfortunately deregulating the organizations which would ended up to aim prosperity for the nation was too ambitious because they didn't read the situation and didn't transition the mental networks of those individuals into different opportunities other than to still clench to the public sector. Now I do not know whether this referendum will get rejected or accepted. That does not matter much. What matters is that although many felt that there was a "true success" with Greece following the austerity programs, it was all fictional, as for the majority voted this year a socialism group that brought backwards things not because the politicians really wanted to do ideally, but because they had a big sense of duty that these people are not ought responsible to be put in blame of being victims of this regime when there was no opportunity all the past 8 years to open an environment that relied on innovation, where small businesses and other corporations, were invited to bring new services that will replace the public sector and migrate all its labor workers to there. If anything, they should learn some lessons how Singapore became independent. The European Union second mistake is that they were satisfied only by the economic metrics being aligned with the stability of the Euro, and never about the prosperity of Greece in the long term on how it will handle the future labor force into the correct environment. They should have placed more metrics that cared about the people instead of only the tasks instead.Now we have a new social government that says that we "violate" natural laws by deregulating stuff and removing subsidies. Here we see again clutching the hot iron. It is assumed that the one that made the mistake is European Union by its actions when in actuality it is not, as those actions were judged only by the consistency of austerity measures that lead to Greece be in a more worse and stall state (which is ironic as they were the one that they gave the big generous big loan subsidized to them). And with that, the leader of the social party takes advantage of that as he is very idealistic to follow his socialism regime to remove all inequalities and to push Europe to have a collective mindset instead of a property ownership mindset. If this government only supports the public sector and does not bring innovation like Singapore, it will bring more equality that is unfair for those people who did not rightfully earn it and there will be no drive or motivation for people to aim better if all actions and behavior of people are treated the same way. But one thing for sure is this: The European Union did not follow the correct recipe and is paying the price by the devil advocate they should have been in the first place. The mistake happened and no corrective action was done before the new social party took office and expressed a problem that in the most part spells true to what the European Union did wrong to Greece.
The bellow discussion by Tsipras (which I translated from this video), is one of the best talks I have ever read, resonating the people of his country. He expresses his own idealism blending the many truths the European Union did wrong to Greece, putting the EU under the mercy on a stage that is too late to react to what they actually desire anymore with this social party already in place. The EU never expected this social party to come by the majority of people that voted in Greece due to their negligence of the care of these people. They did a big bet, a big risk, that they should have not gambled and ignored (or if you played the game "Fate of the World", they didn't play the cards "right" - I do not support unethical cards as "right"). Without further ado, the speech:
Update: There is a youtube video that has English captions which you can instead rely (instead of my own translation)
For 6 months, the Greek government is giving a fight with the majority living
in an environment of financial turmoil, all for the sake to follow the
"European Union’s commands" (since January 25)
Bartering the "commands" with our partners was all for the long term aim to close the austerity program and to bring our country in wellness and justice.
For a sustainable agreement where democracy (=the people of Greece in this case) and the rules of the European union compliment/respect each other, which will lead to a smooth exit out of all the tensions of this crisis.
In all the length time of our bartering, they asked us to accomplish the same austerity programs the previous elected political parties agreed in the past, which made them lose their electoral vote on the next term by the disapproval of our people.
However not even once we thought about bending down. To betray the trust of our Greek people.
After 5 months of hard bartering, our partners, unfortunately, decided to send us a final demand of the rules to be followed for the Hellenic government.
A final demand that contradicts with the foundational values of Europe. On values for our common European establishment.
It was asked from the Greek government to accept rules that will accumulate new burdens to the Greek public and stall the growth of the Greek society and economy, not only keeping consistent the uncertainty, but also spreading more the social inequalities.
The rules that were described were: Deregulation of the work labor market, cut of retirement income, new cuts on incomes in the public sector while tax increase on food, accommodations, and tourism, while cancelling all the subsidies that we provide on our islands of Greece.
The rules violate directly the European common society rules and the foundational rights: workplace, equality, dignity, show that their goals of some of our partners and their rules is not about a sustainable and potent agreement for both sides, but for the humiliation of the whole Greek people.
These rules show mainly the persistence of the monetary fund on the hard and punishing austerity program and make it more demanding than ever for the need of the European forces to take command of the situation and take initiatives that will give an abrupt ending on the Hellenic crisis debt, one crisis that is anchoring on other European countries that puts in danger the fate of the European Union.
Greek Gentlemen and Ladies,
On this time, we have the weight to be responsible on the struggles and our sacrifice for the Hellenic people to gain back the settlement of our democracy and independence of our nation. Our responsibility for our future of our country.
And that responsibility makes us obligated to answer this final demand from the European Union by the desire of our Greek people.
A short while ago at the cabinet meeting, I suggested the organization of a referendum, so the Greek people are able to decide.
The suggestion was accepted by all.
Tomorrow will urgently convene the House of Representatives to ratify the proposal of the Cabinet for a referendum next Sunday, July 5th to question the acceptance or rejection of the proposal.
I already have announced my decision to the President of France and the Chancellor of Germany, the president of the monetary fund, while tomorrow there will be a letter that I will ask the leaders of the EU and its rules, extension of the program, so the Greek people can decide without pressure, as defined on the Constitution of our country and the democratic tradition of Europe.
On this final demand that is thrown abusively on us for the acceptance of this humiliating austerity program without any opportunity to gain back our society and economy, I call all of you to boldly decide with pride, like how our past history tell us to do.
To the authoritarianism and the hard austerity, let us answer democratically, with composure and decisiveness.
The Greek place, which has brought birth democracy, to send one echoed voice of democracy to the Europe and the whole world.
And I pledge personally that I will respect the result of your democratic answer, whatever that answer it is.
And I am definitely sure that your choice will respect the history of our country and it will send a message of dignity to the whole world
In these critical times, we all need to remember that Europe is a home that is shared by all its countries. That in Europe, there is no definitions like ownership and guests.
Greece was and still is a priceless part of Europe and Europe is a priceless part of Greece. But without democracy, Europe will be a Europe without identity and without direction.
I call all of you with national unity, connectedness and calmness to take our decisions that we really ought to have earned.
For us and our next generations, and for the history of Greece.
For the control and dignity of our people.
Bartering the "commands" with our partners was all for the long term aim to close the austerity program and to bring our country in wellness and justice.
For a sustainable agreement where democracy (=the people of Greece in this case) and the rules of the European union compliment/respect each other, which will lead to a smooth exit out of all the tensions of this crisis.
In all the length time of our bartering, they asked us to accomplish the same austerity programs the previous elected political parties agreed in the past, which made them lose their electoral vote on the next term by the disapproval of our people.
However not even once we thought about bending down. To betray the trust of our Greek people.
After 5 months of hard bartering, our partners, unfortunately, decided to send us a final demand of the rules to be followed for the Hellenic government.
A final demand that contradicts with the foundational values of Europe. On values for our common European establishment.
It was asked from the Greek government to accept rules that will accumulate new burdens to the Greek public and stall the growth of the Greek society and economy, not only keeping consistent the uncertainty, but also spreading more the social inequalities.
The rules that were described were: Deregulation of the work labor market, cut of retirement income, new cuts on incomes in the public sector while tax increase on food, accommodations, and tourism, while cancelling all the subsidies that we provide on our islands of Greece.
The rules violate directly the European common society rules and the foundational rights: workplace, equality, dignity, show that their goals of some of our partners and their rules is not about a sustainable and potent agreement for both sides, but for the humiliation of the whole Greek people.
These rules show mainly the persistence of the monetary fund on the hard and punishing austerity program and make it more demanding than ever for the need of the European forces to take command of the situation and take initiatives that will give an abrupt ending on the Hellenic crisis debt, one crisis that is anchoring on other European countries that puts in danger the fate of the European Union.
Greek Gentlemen and Ladies,
On this time, we have the weight to be responsible on the struggles and our sacrifice for the Hellenic people to gain back the settlement of our democracy and independence of our nation. Our responsibility for our future of our country.
And that responsibility makes us obligated to answer this final demand from the European Union by the desire of our Greek people.
A short while ago at the cabinet meeting, I suggested the organization of a referendum, so the Greek people are able to decide.
The suggestion was accepted by all.
Tomorrow will urgently convene the House of Representatives to ratify the proposal of the Cabinet for a referendum next Sunday, July 5th to question the acceptance or rejection of the proposal.
I already have announced my decision to the President of France and the Chancellor of Germany, the president of the monetary fund, while tomorrow there will be a letter that I will ask the leaders of the EU and its rules, extension of the program, so the Greek people can decide without pressure, as defined on the Constitution of our country and the democratic tradition of Europe.
On this final demand that is thrown abusively on us for the acceptance of this humiliating austerity program without any opportunity to gain back our society and economy, I call all of you to boldly decide with pride, like how our past history tell us to do.
To the authoritarianism and the hard austerity, let us answer democratically, with composure and decisiveness.
The Greek place, which has brought birth democracy, to send one echoed voice of democracy to the Europe and the whole world.
And I pledge personally that I will respect the result of your democratic answer, whatever that answer it is.
And I am definitely sure that your choice will respect the history of our country and it will send a message of dignity to the whole world
In these critical times, we all need to remember that Europe is a home that is shared by all its countries. That in Europe, there is no definitions like ownership and guests.
Greece was and still is a priceless part of Europe and Europe is a priceless part of Greece. But without democracy, Europe will be a Europe without identity and without direction.
I call all of you with national unity, connectedness and calmness to take our decisions that we really ought to have earned.
For us and our next generations, and for the history of Greece.
For the control and dignity of our people.