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On the site creation of: "The place where volunteers can meet and develop the prototype of the next social network"

Hi everybody. So this is just again another blog post, but a short one, in continuation of creating a prototype of this social network, with realistic expectations that its form will be limited at start. I already said the many problems our current society is facing by the current personal paradigm we live in. Between deciding, should we choose to have hope that we face the personal realm this time in a rational way or to have the fear we will fall in the same mistakes others did in the past by being irrational? I hope for those who are reading so far has chosen hope. There are many ways to solve this paradigm, as long as it is done in an explicit way. I chose the social network will be a best fit model for this situation as it closely represents a mirror of the physical world.

And so, it came to my conclusion that this is a huge project that needs the volunteer of as many individuals as possible to bring their expertise on the table. How we will do this then? Okay, so the first challenge is to create a prototype. In order for the prototype to not be a mock up but instead almost the actual thing that it will be close to the live product, it will have to be where 1. Not only people understand what it is but already be aware of it in order to have a more confidence to "buy-in" on this paradigm and 2. To have already a system that it is polished that it becomes useful to the average user from day 1 this product goes live. I said I will create a bicycle, not a bullet train, but a bicycle that at least you can ride it, not where it has flat tires. The idea is that many companies can start up easily with a one person idea and then funded by several volunteers to complete the idea because it uses an existing paradigm and the scope is specific and not very general. Due to the scope in here is very general and the paradigm is totally different to what current society is, nobody will buy in this idea if its not sophisticated enough and how it can materialise to a world that it will not be volunteering at it first, as in like old scientists not accepting new scientists on "their community" as in Thomas Kuhn scientific revolutions. I don't think my part will be doing everything on here. I am only just starting this initiative and bringing ideas on how to facilitate this process to come in fruition.

Those 2 problems for creating a great prototype can be solved by hitting two birds with one stone: Create an open platform website for bringing in design features for the social network prototype. The purpose of these features are to give a better experience and usage to the average user. These features will come from the concepts that will be analysed within the basis on how they will fit in the social network from the book Natural Cognitive Theology by Lorin Friesen. At the same time, those concepts that were added as features in the social network will be formatted in a way that will bring awareness to the public through press and videos, so we are both in check with reality and gain more buy in on this model of thought.

The reason this book will be used as a source is because 1. This book was written in such a way where a beginner's mind could dive in and understand how this model works 2. This is the only author I have seen so far in this earth to delve the personal realm, regardless of the limitations of his specialisations. There is no much people that have spent so much time on translating their specialisations on the personal realm and try to be as clear and as much closely accurate as possible. The point is to build a bicycle for the realm of the personal and for me this is the one so far that has driven a longer road than others which tried but stopped in the middle. There are several and several concepts that are introduced within that book and leaving them apart will make the model less rich than its original intent. My original thesis is to create a social network where people can express their problems instead of the traditional "Facebook effect". Those problems over time will have to go through a flow of different cognitive modules in order for the problem to be solved. The way we solve problems are either stuffing them into a black box or using that information to change our perceptions. However, many of us are not aware how our mind subconsciously does those actions. Furthermore, we don't express our mind of those problems to the public, a place where someone else can give us a hand, especially if that problem is shown that it is stuck for a long time. But then I figured out that there could be many missing stuff addressed for the user to use this model the most effectively. This thesis would be incomplete and less rich if we don't add features already completed by someone else instead of re-inventing the wheel. This book, especially the kindle edition, may be cheap for developed countries, but if you are one that cannot literally afford, you can always request the original author for a digital copy. My blog and the author's website may be a good bridge for any beginner to "buy-in" on reading or requesting this book (believe me, the book I suggest we use as a source doesn't add much to what you already read in this blog and the author's website. It just condenses the most important parts in a more clean language).

I haven't thought about how the design of the website will be exactly, but the main culture of the website is to incorporate 360 degrees transperancy on everything that is discussed. We will use many forms to communicate these ideas and anybody can play a part of helping this prototype to be in fruition. Until the website is created and I place on that website a few concepts that are analysed from the book in how they can be integrated as new features within the social network, I look forward to your patience. I will try to make any social connections that can compliment me on such endeavour and see how this will work out. If you haven't figured just now, my mind is one that tries to not have a constant theory, it has a direction on finding the correct theory on implementing this. At first, I thought the social network was going to be complete, but then I realised it would not be and instead be limited. At point of developing the prototype, I thought it would be easy to create it all by myself. But then I realised that most of the work is already done by the author Lorin Friesen and the only work left is to be interpreted in the form of a social network. In addition, I already knew from a long time that nobody will buy in on this prototype so easily unless the prototype is rich in detail. Thus, there is a need for as many people to volunteer on this prototype as in the same volume of effort as completing a full live product. There may be more bottlenecks that may come through the way, but I have hope, if anybody follows a mindset like the one I try to do, we can actually one day end up to the final destination where we create the personal realm in a rational way where it is explicitly shown to society.