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Warping Between Space & Time

It has been quite some time since I posted on this blog. The main reason for that is I planned to distract myself with my current obsession warping myself too much in time in order to be able to adjust myself be more oriented with space. The words time and space are defined here based on our perception. When we take things in an abstract way, we live in the Perceiver/Teacher world where there are no constraints in time, but space is restricted. For instance, a "word" in our perception can belong to only one definition, it cannot belong to two definitions, but each person can have its own different definition for the same word. Then it is quite possible that each person will create their own set of values and beliefs with the same set of words by assigning each word a different meaning (or space) to allocate with. What matters when we speak with people is not the words that people say, but what meaning these words define behind. Those same words can direct us to a better or worse space analogous to the real world safe and not so nice neighborhoods. Then it is very important the model (or mental map) we have in our mind to be driven by something that is better not only for our own end (as that will ultimately be biased as it distorts what is generally good) but to work in harmony and in order with the fractal world we live in (a nice neighborhood is much better than just a nice house). My view is that people should focus on making the world a better place than just focusing too narrowly on a specific domain that we slip the externalizations that come from it. I am pretty sure that the average person who voluntarily work in open source or similar projects these days, as well people who did scientific breakthroughs and advances in manufacturing and technology in the past could have done so for the wrong motivations (as much as the student who gets a degree for the sake of the degree rather from the knowledge gathered), but I am pretty sure all companies, organizations, and institutions start with the good will of making something better for the world instead of the bottom line of making profit for the sake of recognition and fame. So for that reason, what we set as a destination is very important. To some degree, we have to become ultimately at some point very obsessed with it in order to gain faith from it. I think that is the easiest way for an idea to get stuck in our head so no matter the pressure we get from others, it will still remain stuck in our head (In other words, it remains solid).  However, that is just one step of the whole process, yet an important one, as if we drive to the wrong location, it will feel like a mid-life crisis. The next step is warping more into space. And warping in space has a different frame of looking at things than how we looked at them before (again, I have to re-iterate that the previous way of looking at things, from a time perspective, is very important. It is learning the building blocks to express ourselves, like a kid learning its own alphabet).

An obsession is kind of a very hard thing to get out of the mind. To say the least, it is kind of hard to change an attitude if all your activities you did in the past relate to your past obsession. Definitely, this is how the Mercy mind works in some way. The Mercy mind takes with the very importance the recent actions and experiences the individual experienced within space. In order to not be obsessed with it, you have to avoid those experiences (believe me, a Mercy person by default is very good at using the best strategies for "avoiding" painful experiences). However, we avoid those habits and experiences not for suppressing them, but in our dearest motivation to bring a more balanced mind where we don't let our minds be too dominated into time, but also be dominated in space as well (in other words, for each cognitive style to have its own space to express itself). This will result in past experiences to become diluted, allowing us for more flexibility with our attitude to focus more on other areas we haven't explored yet. My insights about the story allegory of the cave explain that well. Briefly, I was focused too much on a local minimum, when there was a better global minimum that I blindly couldn't see as I was trapped with most of my recent actions.

Sometimes obsessions will not reach us to our best destination. 
It makes us narrow-minded with a tunnel vision.  

I reach enough faith after reading so many psychological and self-help books that are popular, books that people and society agree and "like" with 5-star reviews, that support the statements of mental symmetry, that I cannot find anything else that it can contest against it. Of course, the song of this faith that proclaims is not from rose-colored glasses, but what matters is that it does "fit" with our current situation and those ideas can help us construct a better future.  Even the director of applied machine learning at facebook tells that the future of AI requires knowledge of neuroscience, cognitive science, philosophy and even ethics aside only from machine learning and statistics that dominates much these days. In addition, technical specialization is becoming too mature that there is no much more supply for people to engineer on any deep know-how on how to manage resources efficiently. Instead, we have more supply on how people will use existing building blocks to form a better business domain for the employer they are working termed as FINDEV according to this article. Essentially, more developers will involve and tackle in the decisions and ethics behind any project. Most developers will have fewer chances on focusing only on the technical stuff like an old-time hacker used to be. For that reason, subjects like ethics and philosophy are important, for if we don't pay too much attention to them now, we may reach a dead end. The steps of the destination I want to go is fruitless if I cannot give a general tour to you to the internals of this ship that is designed to handle any waves that can withstand to our destination. A tour is a tour, it is not a deep know how or a source to blindly be in faith, as you can tinker around adding and removing stuff on anything that "fits" with the general message of the destination we are heading. That is the reason after I finished writing some sort of "dissertation" about mental symmetry, I dedicated an abstract of that dissertation as a tour called #selfdevboostermentalmaptour. It is a set of 12 small essays discussing the mental map that I follow which mainly all tie in a direct or an indirect way to the theory of mental symmetry (list bellow along with the main extracted sources taken):

1. The Challenges Of Being Empowering ("Modern Man" by I.M. Panagiotopoulos extracted from 2014 National University Entrance Exams in Greece)
2. Empowering Trait: Psychological Safety in Teams (Smarter, Faster, Better by Charles Duhigg)
3. Executive Paradox and Mental Symmetry Diagram (Executive Paradox by David G. Jensen)
4. Meeting Tasks in Executive Paradox (derived from my past experiences and my on views of how the economy of Greece was handled)
5. Demystifying the gender gap (The Female Brain by Louann Brizendine)
6. Channels of communication: Writing (derived mainly from my business law classes)
7. Introduction to Mental Networks & Neural Networks (supplementing Clean Language by Judy Rees for understanding Teacher Mental Networks)
8. Tools For Creating Model In Our Minds (derived from the main Three Inputs Of Learning I learned as a tutor)
9. Feedback and Our Obsessions (Feedback Revolution by Peter McLaughlin)
10. A philosophical framework: An introduction to cognitive styles (All Sorts of People: Ordered Complexity by Lane Friesen)
11. A theological framework: Setting our minds not for short term success, but for the ideal (Natural Cognitive Theology by Lorin Friesen)
12. Other important readings (Black Box Thinking by Matthew Syed, The Power of Habit by Charles Duhhig, Stopping the noise in your head by Dr. Reid Wilson)

Without this tour, I feel that I would have left most people lost, as an adult knows how easy it is to write a sentence, but for a baby, it will be lost in the mud, as it does not have the starting building blocks to even express even the basic things in life. To get a full overview of the whole subject in the matter, I created a snapshot of the mental map I created. However, I still felt that article was too much for someone to read, and hence, I created a tour so anyone can have an easier access on comprehending the main message that I am trying to communicate. I am creating more bridges for people to understand the message.

However, like I said at the start of this blog, this is just one segment of the whole journey. I think anyone has to cross that path first, but they should not be stuck on this path once they already have strong faith on it. At that point, it requires spending more time warping into space instead. In space, the things are mirrored. We can be in any space, but our time is limited. We cannot do all the actions we envision in our world. For that reason, we have to prioritize which actions are the most important for us to do. We have to sacrifice some of the stuff we like which don't get us closer to the mental map we envision. After all, our happiness will blossom if our actions get closer to what we envision deep into our mental map (and hopefully it is not a short term one that ends us in disappointment, but one with long-term joy). Discarding our goals for substitutes that don't directly touch on what we want to accomplish or procrastinate on it can lead to chronic depression. Research suggests that chronic depression is one of the factors an individual from their own volition acquires mental diseases, such as Parkinson Disease.

To be honest to myself, that leaves me ahead to read "Stopping the noise in your head" by Dr. Reid Wilson (You can read my review of Stopping the noise in your head in order to understand a brief summary of the book before reading on). This book seems that it strikes more closely on changing perspectives between space and time instead of trying to assume there is no problem at all. Although this may sound like I am a person with anxiety, you have to understand the definition of what anxiety really means. Generally speaking, anxiety is an irrational fear of a perceived threat. For example, a person that wants to do something bold in their life ends up to not doing it because of generalizations of the outcome having bad results. Perceiver mode is really good at not letting an idea to run its own course. It will find all the mistakes a theory (=Teacher mode) has to the point it requires endless refinements to it before it can properly rub the wheels to the road. In some sense it gives us worry so much, that it dominates the rest of the mind, that it does more harm than good, letting that great idea we have in our heart get dissolved thanks to Perceiver mode giving us a good reason to procrastinate on it and substitute it with something more safe that can still charm us but very sure not for so very long. Believe it or not, just because we didn't check ourselves, doesn't mean we are fine, as most of us have some psychological problem in our heads that we are very good at covering it up and be in denial at it. It is good to be honest with our self before it is too late with what we do with our minds to the point it becomes irreversible later on. I think this book will help me. I will remove any noise from this book and get the good stuff it covers and may write a summary of what I learned about it later on.

Being honest myself, I need to take a read on this to tackle my deepest aspirations more effectively

So after finishing reading that book, my goals for the upcoming years is to dedicate more time on space, to myself, in this limited time, on this present moment that time ticks on, to be back on the engine as I used to be. However, my focus in this second visit is to find new habits that align with the mental map I created. For now, as FINDEV comes on the horizon, I have found that a focus on learning software-wise on how to develop fast with tools that have the traits of being cheap, flexible, and accessible as a worthwhile investment in the end in order to have more ample time on what business domain problems I want to tackle with. Last but not least, I have some interests as a hobby of what business domains I am interested, such as creating the next social network that helps people contribute to society with the least fuss, understand the obsessions (in a positive way) each person has, assist others clearing cognitive dissonance, a platform that solves problems instead of creating more problems, an attitude where people view others in terms of their potential to personal growth instead as a dead end. I think no business domain exists yet that addresses those problems in a bold way, but somebody has to, in order to avoid this foggy life where every person we meet we cover it up with general formalities like nothing has happened. People should not make relationships based on status and appearances most people these days end up to, but instead of what the character each represents that can assist them off (instead of using them) along with their strength obsessions they carry. There are many ideas that I have for this next social network. So I think I will start to cook some ideas that I have thought and on any further brainstorms I do later on.

The goals I set derive from the idea that if the idea of god really exists, then we live in a world as machine learners. How we treat machine learning to computers may apply to us as well. As we apply machine learning to our world, not all instances we create end up to be useful models. That is because they did not behave as we planned them to do under unsupervised learning. With a bible that exists along with the events of history that reflect the bible, with the contents of the bible discussing frequently the personal development and transformation of our childish mindset from different perspectives, it is kind of hard to dismiss the idea we are machine learners under unsupervised learning on a transformation plan and not test the waters if it is true or not. And of all ideas that try to bring a general purpose to the world, it is the only idea that the idea itself makes it rewarding. For if even if this idea was considered a myth, I would still continue the work of this idea, because nobody else has to prove to me that this idea is fruitful for our current world in order to be better off itself (in the same way our advances within the industrial and commercial revolution). If we have worries (as we always do "naturally", as it helps us in overcoming challenges), I think people should worry more on what deeds they did that reflect their identity as a whole. Our achievements don't matter as much as the good ideas that we give to the world that helps us make better decisions that can last even for new eyes from next generations to see. Each of us come from different obsessions, so it is not the attention of specific ideas that we need to follow, but how we harness our obsessions for the good will of our world.The hard knocks of life may twist us in a world where we lose our origin hope and accept a Medieval or Darwinian theme. That does not mean that an ideal world is much easier to face where everybody gets transformed from their birthright. In actuality, the road of being a better person is a longer and thoughtful road than taking the shortcut of losing hope and keeping our childish mindset intact. It comes at a personal cost from what we represented from the past and requires a lot of time to commit to that. With what business domain we want to marry with our rest of our life, it is better to marry with the wildest horse, as if we can handle that, we may be able to handle any other difficult obstacles that we will have to face in the future.