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2014 Summary

Two years ago, I would have never thought of creating a blog and keep having a continuous commitment to it while having a serious, but humble tone about what my passions and interests reside. I realized at some point that if I never tried to express myself, I would have not been what I wanted to be. And now I can even realize that I could have not known what I wanted to know if I didn't start writing this blog. In other words, visibility internally is clouded and blurry in the same sense our physical eyes can't see more than a mere distance. It is interesting that our internal world has its own different "pair of eyes".

In my early adolescence, I always got negative impressions and opinions from others in the form I expressed. More specifically, I started to sandbox myself in opinions that they were too far-fetched to be conceptualized and also on topics that were out of familiarity for "mainstream" to understand and take it as acceptable (culture and mercy mental networks). In addition, I didn't have the tools or a manual to guide me to the correct way on having more defensive points to evaluate the possibilities of such opinions. In the way they were written, they were not acceptable as an argument.

However, that did not let me down in the end as I found that my thinking is very original. I am pretty sure the middle/high school essays that discussed the issues nobody wanted to express (denial due to how impersonal it is), will have its own conclusions some day. I don't know if somebody else will use those ideas in good works of faith and reference my works as his inspirations. I don't know if I will achieve any of those within collaboration or partial contributions. I don't know if I will be the main impact on any of these. However, I know that all of these stuff are my passions, and I will be more of a lost man if I override any of those. My middle/high school essays had a limited vision which is now more refined with the blog posts I have written this year. I guess the key is mirroring the successful external world with the internal world. Almost the whole world is successful externally. Developed nations are catching up with it.

One of the key points I want to start next year is that imagination and physical matter is inter-connected in some way in boundless possibilities, and a new system of ethics and thinking will need to come. To illustrate an example: Think of a policeman holding a gun under patrol. You may think you have fear of the gun, but not so much fear as you think of. It is underestimated, mesmerized by knowing enough of the gun, that we have some level of confidence out of it. We know how it is used, how many bullets it has, how fast the bullets can run, and how big in size those bullets are. Those information can make us enough confident that we may have a chance we getting away from it because we see a lot of movies and a lot of violent video games that do not show the natural common sense of the world. On the other hand, if you tap into your imagination into an unidentified object and have randomized possibilities (risk), if that could have been conceptualized in real life, could you be ready for it, not knowing if its harmful or harmless? And the answer is most presumably no because we will never have enough confidence of a thing we have never tried in trial and error. Who will gamble their whole life on a roulette over that seriously? However, truth is that this safety we have is a safety of an illusion (as pointed on the example of the guard with the gun). Truth is that we are so emotionally weak that we can't be prepared for the unprepared.

To summarize of what I did in the year 2014:

On February 2014, I started creating this blog to express what I saw in my last dream. Dreams are always nice. They always come when you feel internally lost. I rarely have dreams except on bad times. I also started to express facts that successful companies valued which I have not seen them in the same ratio within my job on my article testing is for supper.

I had to take some vacation break from my previous job that I worked constantly for more than 2 years without taking any days off. That is why you see there is a big amount of blog posts on the month of April 2014. I expressed all of the issues I have encountered in my life without giving a clear resolution on them. However, the way I described most of them were an inspirations from the Theory of Mental Symmetry By Lorin Friesen. In other words, they were more refined than my high school essays and are more convincing. They have a solid ground of framework that can be expanded on. It was the correct path. This can be expressed in the analogue of visibility.

In terms of visibility, you may think Place A is superior than Place B and Place C.  However, you can never think you are in Place A until you live in Place A. In other words, in order to go from Place C to Place A, you have to walk to Place B first and then to Place A. In the same way, internally, I can never reach visibility to a destination I want until I am in a less visible destination first but more closer now to the final destination I want (which should now be more clear and visible my final destination).

A lot of those articles in my blog within that period were not only about issues I wanted to discuss. I also discussed important concepts I really valued, such as Why writing is more important than speaking, especially in software development to give an encouragement of other learning styles (i.e. interactivity) to have a different perspective of the reading module. I also had my own rants which they were individualized experiences I wanted to point out, such as Coursera is missing the learning style of reading / people are sensitive to emotional pressure. I had a lot of time and I wanted to practice my writing, so there was enough supply for me to write topics that were less important, but at the time, the most interesting to me. I also started to analyze some of the topics of mental symmetry, but ones that were too complicated for anyone to understand. I wrote an article named as Ideal Critical Thinking briefly explained which discusses my main first insights how an individual can transform internally himself instead of only externally. However, this topic was too difficult to elaborate, and you will see later on, I wrote more simpler topics of elaboration about Mental Symmetry. I also wrote technical posts at that time which helped me visibility wise on job offers. I took the plunge and work now in another company which I feel so far that I am getting a better experience than the previous one I had. With that said, I did a ritual passage of leaving my previous job by writing this article named as Internal Problems with my existing current job . Some ritual passages are important while other ritual passages are not. For instance, I never went to the ceremony of getting my physical real degree within my university even if I got top honors out of it. However, I went back to my old work for a day and wrote this blog article ahead of time due to how internally involved within me. The article is very advanced in the mechanics of Mental Symmetry which is not easy to grasp unless you read the main articles of Lorin Friesen. I also wrote at that time my two popular blog posts which you can always see them as of now on the header warning note of this website Blog's base foundation, Direction of this blog site.

In the month of June, I was busy on the new company I was working on understanding the details of how things worked. Rote memorization is first required and then critical thinking. Yes, it sounds empirical, but that always worked for me so well so far. In my previous job, I remember that I used to scribble dozen of piece of papers that it ended up looking like a math algebra notebook having all the answers of the exercises of a workbook. It grasped me help to understand the system at that time. After a while in my previous job, I had projects in my hand, which I only documented the front layer behavior of the new features/updates it had. Still, very useful, especially for reference. It was more like elaborating a ticket issue in detail with the full requirements. In my previous job, I didn't document more how the full system worked after the first month as there was not any value to it and there was not any collaboration to it. I kind of regret I didn't refine the original scribble I did in the first month I worked after I left.

From July 2014, I started to write blog posts on an average rate of around 3 per month. Around somewhere in September, I was kind of busy and we did a lot of amazing things in our company. The value of those new tools, believe it or not, was a dream my previous job wanted to have, or any other person wanted to have, even some of the data scientists that left before I joined the company wanted to have. Then around the end of October 2014, I had a little bit of more time to write more blog posts.

The summary of blogs I wrote around the second half of 2014 was about discussing basic foundations of Mental Symmetry, such as The interplay of Emotions and Confidence Part 1 . Also, I discuss some topics in mental symmetry in a very niche category, such as Types of Pain (Part 1)  which I coincidentally linked the 5 stages of grief  to it, which I felt my first epiphany out of it and hope I can do more original correlations like that. I also wrote the article Team Synergy which discusses the first time I felt a productive experience working inside a team. I do not want to give hints, but I got a similar experience in my current workplace. This resonated me to bring back the memories of my college experience to life once again. There are also very personal articles within my blog, such as Personal Selfie 1: My current girlfriend is a Mercy. which the title should be more self explanatory on what it contains.

And that should be it.